Employee Handbook

Maryland Association of Resources


Angel Hands Behavioral Health

6600 York Road, Suite 207, Baltimore, MD 21212


410-864-8181 Office

410-510-8149 Fax












We provide the highest quality and compassionate health care to our clients through an array of services for their mental health, addiction and community resources; which we are with them each step of the way.




We have prepared this Handbook as a guide to help you learn more about Angel Hands Behavioral Health, your responsibilities, your benefits, and the privileges you enjoy during your employment with us.




As you read the Handbook, please keep in mind the following:


1.     Angel Hands Behavioral Health reserves the right to change, correct, or modify this Handbook and any of its terms, at any time. Whenever changes are made, all employees will be made aware of changes.


2.     Nothing contained within this Handbook should be construed to create a contract of employment or give rise to any contractual rights.


3.     Because this Handbook is not contractually binding, you retain your right to terminate your employment relationship at any time, and Angel Hands Behavioral Health retains the same right regardless of anything expressly stated or implied in this Handbook.


4.     Matters not included in the Handbook should not be interpreted to mean that a related policy does not exist. Such issues may be included in Angel Health Behavioral Health Policy & Procedural Manual.


5.     In all employment decisions, Angel Hands Behavioral Health reserves the right to take such action as it deems necessary and appropriate given the specific circumstances relating to those decisions.


6.     Neither this manual nor any other written or verbal communication by a management representative is intended in any way to create a contract of employment. Angel Hands Behavioral Health adheres to a policy of employment-at- will, which permits Angel Hands Behavioral Health or the employee to terminate the employment relationship at anytime, for any reason. Please consult with the executive team for clarification or questions on policies and procedures.






Our Responsibility


The safety and well-being of the consumers must be the priority of all employees. During the emergencies that inevitably occur, it is expected that staff will always be willing to assume responsibility to ensure that consumer supervision or care is never compromised.




To provide effective treatment, it is necessary to collect, develop, and retain personal and highly sensitive material regarding consumers and their families. We will respect our consumers’ rights to confidentiality. Each of us has a professional responsibility to maintain the highest ethical standards regarding this information. Misuse of this knowledge and material can be extremely damaging and create serious problems.


Naming of consumers and discussion of their problems outside the workplace must be avoided. The dangers of misinterpretation, misuse, and the transmission of information cannot be over emphasized.


Consumer Records


We will ensure that all consumer treatment and medical records and related information, including the fact that a person is a consumer of the agency, will remain strictly confidential. All records, and copies thereof relating to Angel Hands Behavioral Health consumers, both present and discharged, shall remain the property of Angel Hands Behavioral Health and shall not be removed from the premises without the written approval of the Program Director This also applies to all copies of these records.


Consumer Abuse


Angel Hands Behavioral Health serves as a safe haven for children and adolescents. As a result, we are EXTREMELY committed to the consumers in our care. Angel Hands Behavioral Health will NOT tolerate any form of child abuse. This will include but will not be limited punitive actions, emotional or physical abuse, neglect, sexual conduct, or other abusive behaviors.




Consumers are permitted to travel in staff-owned vehicles provided such travel is authorized. However, the primary liability for any damages incurred as a result of an accident rests with the owner and/or operator of the private vehicle.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health is in the business of human services. To that extent, we expect all employees to serves as positive role models and conduct themselves in a professional manner, and avoid any actions which may be detrimental to the consumer. Maintaining a positive attitude is essential, and discussion of personal or work-related problems while in the presence of consumers must is unacceptable. Obscene or abusive language is never appropriate and must not be used.






  1. All persons receiving services from Angel Hands Behavioral Health shall retain all rights, benefits and privileges guaranteed by Federal, State, and local law, except those specifically lost through the due process of law.


  1. Consumers have the right to live in the community of their choice without restraints on their independence, except those restraints to which all citizens are subject.


  1. Consumers have the right to be treated with courtesy and dignity, and are at all times entitled to respect for their individuality, and the recognition that their strengths, abilities, needs, and preferences are not determinable on the basis of a psychiatric diagnosis.


  1. Consumers have the right to be notified of all rights accorded them as recipients of services at time of admission or intake, and in terms that he or she understands.


  1. Consumers have the right to be treated in the least restrictive setting to meet their needs.


6.     Consumers have the right to receive services conducted in a manner reflecting quality professional and ethical standards of practice, and shall be apprised of the organization’s code of ethics/conduct.


7.     Consumers have the right to receive services without discrimination based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, domestic/marital status, political affiliation or opinion, veteran’s status, physical/mental handicap or ability to pay for services.


  1. Consumers have the right to be treated in an environment free from physical abuse, sexual abuse, physical punishment, or psychological abuse by threatening, intimidating, harassing, or humiliating actions on the part of staff.


  1. Consumers have the right to be fully informed of the services to be provided, the right to consent to services, and the right to refuse services (with the exception of legally mandated services) without fear of retribution or loss of rights.


  1. Consumers have the right to privacy during facility visits. Individuals and/or group visits are permitted only when the purpose of the visitation is education or professional in nature. Planning for outside visitors shall provide for limited interruption of consumer routine, therapeutic or rehabilitative programs, and related activities. Consumers will be given notice of such visitation.


  1. Consumers have the right to confidentiality. Information may not be released without the consumer’s written permission, except as the law permits or requires.


  1. Consumers, or the consumer’s legal guardians, have the right to review the consumer’s record at any reasonable time upon request, including prior to an authorized release, and shall be afforded the assistance of an appropriate clinical employee in cases where a reasonable concern exists of a possible harmful effect to the consumer through the misinterpretation of information in the record.


  1. Consumers, along with family or significant other(s), when appropriate, have the right to participate in their treatment and treatment planning. Consumers have a right to a full and complete explanation of the nature of treatment and any known or potential risks involved therein.


  1. Consumers have the right to an individualized, written treatment plan to be developed promptly following admission, treatment based on the plan, periodic review and reassessment of needs, and appropriate revisions of the plan including a description of services that may be needed following discharge from services.
  2. Consumers have the right to request and receive outside (other than Angel Hands Behavioral Health employees) professional consultation regarding their treatment at their own expense.


  1. Legally competent Consumers have the right to refuse treatment, except in emergency situations or other circumstances required by law. Consumers shall not be denied treatment, services, or referral as a form of reprisal, excepting that no individual provider shall be obligated to administer treatment or use methods contrary to his or her clinical judgment.


  1. Consumers shall have access to written information about fees for services and their rights regarding fees for services, and will not be refused services due to an inability to pay.


  1. Consumers have the right to an explanation if services are refused to them for any reason including admission ineligibility or continued care ineligibility, and have the right to appeal such decisions.


  1. Consumers have the right to informal complaint and/or formal grievance regarding practices or decisions that impact their treatment or status without fear or concern for reprisal by the organization or its staff, and have the right to have this process clearly communicated to them upon entry to services and throughout participation in services.


  1. Consumers have the right to refuse to participate in research without loss of services, and participate in research on a voluntary basis only with full written informed consent.


  1. Consumers have the right to access guardians, self-help groups, advocacy services and legal services at any time. Access will be facilitated through the person responsible for the consumer’s service coordination.


  1. Consumers have the right to be treated in the least restrictive environment, be provided evidence-based information about alternative treatments, have access to their records, have equal access to treatment regardless of race ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation and sources of payment.


  1. Consumers have the right to be informed of appeal procedures, initiate appeals, have access to grievance procedures, receive a grievance appeal decision in writing, and appeal a grievance decision to an unbiased source.


  1. Consumers have the right to be protected from the behavioral disruptions of other Consumers.






Employees who abuse or violate any Angel Hands Behavioral Health policies or procedures are subject to corrective action and risk disciplinary action up to and including termination.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health wholeheartedly supports equal employment opportunities for everyone. Equal employment opportunity (EEO) is one important facet of the basic American ideal that every person has the same human rights and privileges without regard to his or her race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or disability. Equal employment opportunity means, of course, that every applicant for a job should be considered on the basis solely of his or her qualifications. It also means that every employee should be treated equitably and without discrimination.


Angel Hands Behavioral Health expects the full cooperation of everyone associated with it to support and promote equality in the work environment. We intend, therefore, that all matters related to recruiting, advertising, hiring, training, compensation, benefits, promotions, transfers, layoffs, recall from layoffs, educational assistance, and social and recreational programs, and all treatment on the job, be free of discriminatory practices.


To this end, every complaint or concern should be referred to the Director of Operations unless the Director of Operations is the subject of the complaint or concern, in which case, the matter should be referred directly to the Director of Operations and/or the Executive Director will have overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy. They will be available to any employee who may have a question concerning this policy and its implementation.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities, which may include providing reasonable accommodation where appropriate. In general, it is your responsibility to notify your supervisor of the need for accommodation.




We will not discriminate against any employee on the grounds that he/she has AIDS, has tested positive for HIV or AIDS related complex, or has been suspected of having AIDS. Such discrimination is not permitted in hiring, discharging, promotions; demotions, transfers, job assignments, compensation, or any other employment related decision.




In support of Angel Hands Behavioral Health commitment to provide a discrimination-free environment, any racial, religious, sexual, or ethnic harassment of its employees will not be tolerated. Likewise, harassment against any disabled persons will not be tolerated. If you believe you are a victim of harassment, you are encouraged to follow the normal channels for handling on-the-job problems (see “Handling Problems” section). However, due to the sensitivity of the matter, you may wish to contact directly, the Director of Operations unless the Director of Operations is the subject of the complaint or concern, in which case, the matter should be referred directly to the Executive Director.


Any attempt to retaliate against an employee complaining of harassment will result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge.


While appropriate disciplinary action will be taken on all substantiated claims, Agency Name also recognizes that false accusations can have serious effects on an innocent person. Therefore, any employee found deliberately making a false claim will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.




Our policy is to prohibit harassment of one employee by another employee or supervisor on any basis including but not limited to, race, religion, gender, color, age, physical or mental disability, national origin, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other category protected by law.


While it is not easy to define precisely what harassment is, it certainly includes slurs, epithets, threats, derogatory comments, unwelcome jokes, and teasing. On the other hand, supervisory feedback to an employee indicating areas of improvement or development does not constitute harassment.


Any employee who feels he/she is a victim of such harassment should immediately report the matter to his/her supervisor or a member of the executive team or any other member of management. Agency Name will investigate all such reports as confidentially as possible. Adverse action will not be taken against an employee who reports or participates in the investigation of a violation of this policy, unless a report is knowingly false and made in bad faith for a purpose other than, attempting to eliminate harassment.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health prohibits sexual harassment of any employee by another employee, supervisor or third party. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unsolicited or unwelcome sexual advances, requests or demands for sexual favors, or any verbal, physical or visual conduct of a sexual nature.


Visual conduct of a sexual nature includes but not limited to, drawings, pictures, jokes, teasing, uninvited touching or other sexually related comments, which might create a hostile work environment.


Sexual harassment of an employee will not be tolerated. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge. There will be no adverse action taken against employees who report violations of this policy or participate in the investigation of such violations.


Any employee who feels that he or she is a victim of sexual harassment should immediately report such actions in accordance with the following procedure. All complaints will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.


Any employee who believes that he/she is a victim of sexual harassment should report the act immediately to his/her supervisor, or the Executive Director. If an employee cannot discuss the matter with his/her Supervisor or the Executive Director member, he/she may directly report to any member of the Board of Directors. Angel Hands Behavioral Health will investigate every reported incident immediately. Any employee, supervisor, or agent of Angel Hands Behavioral Health who has been found to sexually harass another employee may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including immediate discharge. Angel Hands Behavioral Health will conduct all investigations in a discreet manner.


Angel Hands Behavioral Health recognizes that every investigation requires a determination based on the facts in the matter. We also recognize the serious impact a false accusation can have. We trust that all employees will act responsibly. The reporting employee and any employee participating in any investigation under this policy has the agency’s assurance that no reprisal will be taken as a result of a sexual harassment complaint, unless a report is knowingly false and made in bad faith for a purpose other than attempting to eliminate sexual harassment.


Rather, it is our policy to encourage discussion of the matter so as to help protect others from being subjected to similar inappropriate behavior.


No supervisor or employee is permitted to engage in retaliation; retribution or any form of harassment against an employee for reporting a compliance related concern. Any supervisors or employees who conduct or condone retribution, retaliation, or harassment in any way will be subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment.




FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES regularly work a 40-hour workweek and are eligible for our fringe benefits package in accordance with their position and length of employment.


PART-TIME EMPLOYEES work less than 40 hours each week and are ineligible for our benefits package. In addition, employees may also be classified as non- exempt or exempt in accordance with Federal and state wage and hour laws. Non-exempt employees are eligible for overtime pay consistent with Agency Name’s policy; while exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay. You will be notified of your employment classification upon hire.




Nothing contained within this Handbook should be construed to create a contract of employment or give rise to any contractual rights. You retain your right to terminate our employment relationship at any time, with or without notice of reason or cause and we retain the same right.


No statements made in pre-hire interviews or discussions or in recruiting materials alter the at-will nature of employment or imply that discharge will occur only for cause. Statements of specific grounds for termination set forth in this Handbook or in any other Angel Hands Behavioral Health documents are examples only, not all-inclusive lists, and are not intended to restrict Angel Hands Behavioral Health right to terminate at-will.




Each independent contractor for Angel Hands Behavioral Health will be required to attend a mandatory orientation on company missions and policies within 60 days of hire. This orientation will be facilitated by the CEO Corporate Compliance Officer. Each direct care staff person will be trained in the following but not limited to:


  • Community Safety
  • Consumer rights and confidentiality
  • Employee Handbook
  • Interventions and Outcomes
  • Cultural Diversity and Ethics
  • Critical Incident Reporting
  • Documentation
  • Person Centered Planning
  • Work Place Violence
  • Avoiding Burnout


Within 14 days of hire all direct care staff will receive CPR, First Aid and Infection Control certification. Staff whose certifications are current will be excluded from this training.


All trainings must be completed before a case may be assigned. Any staff that has not completed the above stated trainings in a timely manner will risk termination.


Upon joining Angel Hands Behavioral Health, you will be given a copy of the employee handbook. All employees are expected to sign & date acknowledgement of their handbook. A copy of this form will be placed in your personnel file.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health is required by the federal immigration laws to verify the identity and legal ability to work of all individuals before they can be hired. In keeping with this obligation, documentation that shows each person’s identity and eligibility to work must be inspected and maintained.


Each applicant must also attest to his or her legal authority to work and identity on an I-9 form. This verification must be completed as soon as possible after an offer of employment is made and in no event more than three business days after an individual is hired.


All offers of employment and continued employment for positions in the United States are conditioned on furnishing satisfactory evidence of identity and legal authority to work in the United States.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health encourages employees to bring your questions, suggestions and complaints to our attention. Careful consideration will be given to each of these in our continuing effort to improve operations.


If you feel you have a problem, you should present the situation to your supervisor so that the problem can be settled by examination and discussion of the facts. We hope that he/she will be able to satisfactorily resolve most matters. Your suggestions and comments on any subject are important to us, so we encourage you to take every opportunity to discuss them with us. Your job will not be adversely affected in any way because you choose to use this procedure.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health will attempt to follow whenever possible. Special circumstances may necessitate a different procedure. However, the agency will make every attempt to resolve grievances within 48 hours of submittal.


For grievances involving the Executive Director, your written appeal should be sent to the appropriate board member.


The grievance procedure is not intended to be a review process for job performance evaluations, and is not applicable when an employee has been terminated.







You are required to maintain an accurate record of all time worked.


Hourly employees must record their actual hours on time sheets/cards, or other approved time-keeping system. Employees are responsible to give time records to their Supervisor in accordance with agency procedure, but under no circumstances, later than the close of the pay period.


Salaried employees must maintain attendance records in accordance with Department of Labor regulations and the agency’s procedures.


Time sheets/cards not submitted may result in a delay of payment; however, employees will be paid in accordance with Maryland state law.


PAY Scale


Pay is based contractually per caseload for 1099 employees or pay is based on a salary or hourly rate for W-2 employees.




PRP Staff including mentors and interventionists are contractual employees, hired to work a designated number of hours with the assigned consumer, as approved by the authorizing vendor (Beacon Health Options). To that end, staff shall be made aware of the number of hours per week that must be worked according to the specifications of the assigned consumer. Staff can work for Angel Hands Behavioral Health on an “on-call” basis and complete an undetermined amount of hours of contact in a given day. Other staff will work for Angel Hands Behavioral Health as regular, contractual employees who are assigned a re-occurring case in which the staff is required to engage with a consumer for a specified number of hours for a specified or undefined number of weeks and/or months. In all cases, staff is notified of the expectations of time commitments at the time the temporary or permanent case is assigned.




Payday is on the 15th day of the month. If a scheduled payday is on a weekend or company-observed holiday, you will receive your check on the last regular workday preceding the scheduled weekend or holiday, or the first regular workday following the weekend or holiday. There are rare and unavoidable situations when paydays are delayed as the result of untimely reimbursements from contracting vendor. In the event that this occurs, staff will be notified in writing, in advance, if a delay in payment is forthcoming. Additionally, staff will be informed immediately when payment becomes available.




For W2 staff members you will be provided with a paystub showing a summary of your earnings and deductions for the pay period. It also shows your “Year-To-Date” totals for your gross pay, Social Security (FICA and Medicare) contributions, and amounts withheld for federal, state, and local taxes. Descriptions and abbreviations used on your payroll stub are intended to be self-explanatory; however, if you are unsure of a description or abbreviation, please contact the Director of Operations for further instruction.

For 1099 staff members you will be provided with a paystub showing a summary of earnings, “Year-To-Date” and gross pay.


If you have any questions about your paycheck, please direct them to the Director of Operations.




Your performance and contributions to Angel Hands Behavioral Health are very important. Periodically, your supervisor will review your performance with you. Normally, you and your supervisor will be responsible for completing a performance assessment annually.


Also, your supervisor may assist you with preparing a development plan that is specific to your present role. At your request, you, your supervisor and Director of Operations will work with you to prepare a career development plan which will review needs and opportunities outside of your role.


New employees (including employees rehired after 90 days of termination) will receive supervisory feedback throughout their orientation period with at least one formal session to review your progress.




Your salary will be reviewed periodically (usually once each year). At this time, your supervisor will discuss your past performance with you. Any salary action taken will reflect your overall job performance and budgetary guidelines established by the Angel Hands Behavioral Health Board of Directors.




We believe that career advancement is rewarding for the both the employee and Angel Hands Behavioral Health whenever possible, we will promote qualified employees to new or vacated positions.




Pay advances will not be granted to employees.




There will be times when you will need to work overtime so that we may meet the needs of our consumers or to provide other services required by Angel Hands Behavioral Health all overtime must be approved in advance by your Supervisor.


Hourly employees will be paid at a rate of time and one-half their regular hourly rate for hours worked over 40 in a week.


The week is defined as Sunday through Saturday.


Only actual hours worked count toward computing weekly overtime. Any time off benefits including personal time does not count toward computing weekly overtime.






The primary purpose of Angel Hands Behavioral Health is to provide quality service to those entrusted to our care by their families, agencies, taxpayers and the community.


The most critical resource we have in accomplishing this task is our employees. No intervention can be implemented without the assistance of competent employees who are physically and mentally prepared to carry out their responsibility.


Angel Hands Behavioral Health is committed to the physical and mental well-being of staff through our health, dental, and prescription plans.


These benefits are being provided to full-time Agency Name employees in an effort to assist staff in staying physically well and mentally prepared in order to provide the services our consumers need on a daily basis.




You and the job you perform are important and essential to Angel Hands Behavioral Health if you are late or absent, you may place a burden on other employees or the organization. Therefore, it is necessary that you regularly report to work as scheduled. Continuous lateness or absences will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including discharge.


If you must miss work or are going to be late, you must notify your supervisor as early as possible and assist in the arrangement of acceptable coverage for your assigned consumer.




All full-time W2 employees who have completed their 90-day orientation period will receive three personal days per year.




The request for a personal day must be made through the employee’s immediate Supervisor at least five days in advance of the requested date. On occasions when more than one employee requests the same day, the supervisor will make the determination.


Personal days cannot be used to extend time off without notice. However, a personal day can be used in conjunction with other planned time off benefits with prior supervisory approval.


Military Training or Active Duty Mobilization


As part of its civic obligation, Angel Hands Behavioral Health assists its employees in meeting their Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard obligations. If you are in the Reserves or the National Guard Angel Hands Behavioral Health will excuse you without prejudice for periodic training and absences that result from mobilization. The period of your absence shall count toward your tenure and, your position will be held open for you as long as you return promptly when the term of training or the mobilization has ended.


Jury Duty


If you are selected to serve on a jury, Angel Hands Behavioral Health will excuse you without prejudice. If you are called to jury duty, you must advise your supervisor as soon as you receive your summons for jury duty. You must report to work on any day when you are not needed on a jury or for those portions of days when you have sufficient time to report to the office.


Due to the nature of our contractual relationships with vendors, in both instances, your absence will be considered leave without pay.




All full time employees who are subpoenaed to serve as a witness in a criminal or civil proceeding will be given necessary time off. This excused time-off will be paid in the same manner as Jury Duty. Angel Hands Behavioral Health will not discriminate against an employee who is required to serve as a witness.




Under certain conditions, a leave of absence may be granted to full-time employees who have completed the 90-day orientation period, unless for a stated leave a longer employment service requirement is required. Any authorized absence, including absences due to work or non-work related illnesses or injuries, that exceeds 15 work days will be considered a Leave of Absence requiring affected employees to follow agency procedure.




Full-time employees will be paid for a period up to, but not exceeding, two regularly scheduled workdays for the death of an immediate family member. Members of an immediate family includes, spouses, siblings, children, parents- in- law, grandparents, grandchildren and other relatives other than the above who reside in the employee’s household.


Full time employees may take time off to attend the funeral services for someone other than a person designated as immediate family. This time may be used as accumulated, a personal day or unpaid. Every effort will be made to grant such a request, keeping in mind the demands of the agency.




Occasionally, personal circumstances may make it necessary for an employee to request permission for an extended unpaid absence to deal with situations that arise and cannot be handled by means other than time off. To be eligible for this leave, you must be a full-time employee who has completed five years of continuous service with Angel Hands Behavioral Health.


The length of time permitted for a personal leave will be based on the request, the employee work record, and the needs of the work unit. However, under no circumstances, may a personal leave extend beyond a maximum period of 12 months.


The approval of a personal leave ensures the employee of a position with Angel Hands Behavioral Health upon his/her returns. If the employee’s original position is available, the employee shall be returned to that position. Otherwise, the employee will be offered an available position for which he/she is qualified. Should the employee return to a lesser paying position, the employee’s rate of pay shall be reduced to a level appropriate to that position and the employee’s length of service.





Angel Hands Behavioral Health recognizes the importance of child and family development and the need to be able to participate in early child rearing as well as the need to care for family members who have serious health conditions. The Family and Medical Act of 1993 is intended to provide time off from work to meet the demands upon the family unit.


Under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, an eligible employee may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave within a 12-month period and be restored to the same or an equivalent position upon their return.


To be eligible for the family/medical leave, you must have worked for Angel Hands Behavioral Health for at least 12 months and for at least 1,250 hours in the past 12 months.


Eligible employees may take family/medical leave for any of the following reasons:


  1. The birth of a son or daughter of the employee and in order to care for such son or daughter;


  1. The placement of a son or daughter with the employee for adoption or foster care;


  1. To care for the spouse, child or parent of the employee, if such spouse, son, daughter or parent has a serious health condition.


  1. A serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of the position of such employee.


5.     Any leave due to the birth and care of a child or the placement of a child for adoption or foster care, and care of the newly placed child, must be completed within one (1) year of the date of birth or placement of the child.


6.     If you request leave because of a birth, adoption or foster care placement of a child, any accrued but unused personal days are used first as part of your family/medical leave.


7.     If you request leave because of your own serious health condition or to care for a covered relation with a serious health condition, any accrued but unused personal days are used first as part of your family/medical leave.


The substitution of paid leave time for unpaid leave time does not extend the 12- week leave period. Also, your family/medical leave may run concurrently with other types of leave other than Medical Leave of Absence. In the event of a Medical Leave of Absence, if an employee is eligible for Federal Family and Medical Leave, it must be taken first. However, the request for a Medical Leave of Absence should be requested at the time an employee first becomes eligible for Federal Family and Medical Leave. During an approved family/medical leave, Angel Hands Behavioral Health will maintain your health benefits under the same terms and conditions applicable to employees not on leave.


  1. If paid leave is substituted for unpaid family/medical leave, Angel Hands Behavioral Health will deduct your portion of the health plan premium as a regular payroll deduction.


  1. If your leave is unpaid, you must pay your portion of the premium by making arrangements with your supervisor.


  1. Your health coverage will cease if your premium payment is more than 30 days late. If your payment is more than 30 days late, we will send you a letter to this effect. If we do not receive your co-payment within 15 days of this letter, your coverage may cease.


  1. If you elect not to return to work at the end of the leave for at least 30 calendar days, you are required to reimburse Agency Name for the cost of the premiums paid by Angel Hands Behavioral Health for maintaining coverage during your unpaid leave, unless you cannot return to work because of a serious health condition or because of other circumstances beyond your control.


  1. When spouses are employed by Angel Hands Behavioral Health, they are entitled to a combined total of 12 weeks’ leave: (1) for birth, adoption, or foster care and in order to care for such a child; or (2) to care for a parent with a serious health condition. Each individual is entitled to 12 weeks because of his/her own serious health condition or to care for the serious health condition of his/her child or spouse without counting leave time taken by the other spouse.


  1. Leave due to a serious health condition may be taken intermittently (in separate blocks of time due to a single health condition) or on a reduced leave schedule reducing the usual number of hours you work per week or workday) if medically necessary. If the leave is unpaid, Angel Hands Behavioral Health adjusts your salary based on the amount of time actually worked. In addition, while you are on an intermittent or reduced schedule leave, Angel Hands Behavioral Health may temporarily transfer you to an available alternate position that better accommodates your recurring leave and that has equivalent pay and benefits.


  1. You must complete the appropriate family/medical leave forms. These forms are available from your supervisor.




If you take leave because of your own serious health condition (except if you are taking intermittent leave), you must provide medical certification that you are able to resume work before you return. Obtain return-to-work medical certification forms from your supervisor.


Employees failing to complete the return-to-work medical certification form are not permitted to resume work until it is provided.




Employees are protected by the Worker’s Compensation Law, which provides financial support to employees who sustain injury while at work.


Staff members must report any accident resulting in personal injury immediately to the Supervisor. Consistent with applicable state law, failure to report an injury within a reasonable period of time could jeopardize your claim. We ask your assistance in alerting management to any condition, which could lead or contribute to an employee accident.


An employee who is out of work and receiving Worker’s Compensation will be placed on a Family Medical Leave after 15 days.






Regular attendance and punctuality of all employees are critical for the successful and efficient operation of Angel Hands Behavioral Health.


If you are unable to report for work or must be late because of illness or other emergency, you are required to telephone your supervisor or unit location as far in advance as possible. Normally, you must report to your Supervisor no later than your normal reporting time or in accordance with agency procedures. Employees failing to follow the appropriate procedure are not permitted to use sick time. An employee’s absent from work who fails to call in for three consecutive days will be considered as having abandoned his/her position and will be terminated.


Chronic absenteeism or lateness will result in disciplinary action or dismissal.


Equally important is your working for the entire time scheduled. If an emergency should arise or you become ill during the working hours, be sure to secure permission from your supervisor for early dismissal.




Each employee has an obligation to observe and follow agency policies and procedures, and to maintain proper standards of conduct at all times. If an individual’s behavior interferes with the orderly and efficient operation of a department, corrective disciplinary measures will be taken.


Disciplinary action may include a verbal warning, written warning, and suspension without pay or discharge. The appropriate disciplinary action imposed will be determined by Angel Hands Behavioral Health does not guarantee that one form of action will necessarily precede another.


The following may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge:

  • Violation of agency policies, procedures or safety rules
  • Insubordination
  • Sleeping on duty
  • Poor attendance
  • Possession, use, sale of alcohol or controlled substances on work premises or during work hours
  • Unauthorized possession, use or sale of weapons, firearms or explosives on work premises
  • Poor performance
  • Theft or dishonesty
  • Physical harassment
  • Sexual harassment or disrespect toward visitors or members of the public
  • Discrimination
  • Physical/sexual/emotional abuse or neglect of consumers and/or others
  • Falsification of time or other records, and/or
  • Use of obscene or abusive language or behavior


These examples are not all inclusive. Discharge decisions are based on an assessment of all relevant factors.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health will attempt to provide each employee with the appropriate level of coaching and counseling to assist each of us in adhering to agency standards of conduct and performance.


In the event a situation occurs requiring disciplinary action but where discharge is not indicated, the Supervisor shall review the matter with the employee and decide on the appropriate action. Depending on the situation, the appropriate action will include additional coaching, disciplinary warning, suspension/probation and/or termination.


The circumstances and the seriousness of the infraction will determine the action taken. The length of a probation or suspension may be dependent on the circumstances and/or the extent of time needed to conduct a thorough investigation or the need for an external investigation. An employee may be assigned to an administrative leave with pay during an investigation. Exempt employees can only be suspended without pay in increments of one week.


Copies of this document are given to the employee and placed in his/her personnel file. If improvement is not seen, additional measures may be taken up to and including discharge.




In the course of employment, employees will come into contact with programs and procedures developed by Angel Hands Behavioral Health or its contractors, and may have the opportunity to develop programs and procedures. Employees may not disclose to anyone confidential or proprietary information for their personal use.


In addition, at times personnel and management information may be released or available to you. Use of this information outside its intended purpose and without authorization is prohibited. Receipt of confidential personnel and management information, in error or indirectly must be reported to your supervisor.


Confidential information includes, but is not limited to performance or disciplinary actions, operational information, salary and personal information such as address, social security number a or telephone numbers.


The release of confidential personal information with or without employee consent, or management and operational information is permitted within the scope of your job responsibilities, provided you have appropriate authorization and it is done for valid Angel Hands Behavioral Health business reasons.


Any violations of confidentiality or failure to report such violation is considered a major infraction and subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.


ACCESS TO Personnel Records


During your employment, Angel Hands Behavioral Health must keep a number of records concerning you in its files. These records are needed for payroll processing, personnel administration, and emergency contact. Therefore, it is vital that we have up-to-date information about you. Your personnel file will also include copies of all performance evaluations, personnel actions and a record of changes to your pay.


If you change your address, telephone number, dependents, withholding exemption, marital status, or any other details related to your employment, you must inform Director of Operations, in writing.


Personnel files are the property of Angel Hands Behavioral Health and access to the information they contain is restricted. Employees who wish to review their own file should contact the Director of Operations who will ensure that your file is made available to you in a timely manner. Employees may review their own personnel files in Angel Hands Behavioral Health offices in the presence of the Director of Operations, Director of Operations.


A Terminated employee may not have access to his or her file and may not receive copies of his or her file unless directed by Court Order or subpoena or if required by law.




Employees are expected to interact in a courteous, friendly and sensitive manner with all those persons associated with Angel Hands Behavioral Health including families, agencies, community service providers, our community neighbors, and others.




It is essential that all employees make every reasonable effort to be available during weather or other emergencies. During such periods, the needs of the consumer population are paramount. Employee duties and responsibilities may be adjusted to ensure consumer needs are met.


Administrative services are often critical during these periods; therefore, administrative personnel must also make every effort to be at work during emergencies.


Unexcused absences will be without pay. If approved, excused absences allow an employee to use accumulated unused personal time. Sick time will not be approved.




Staff members are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal grooming and present a neat, professional appearance at all times.


Our consumers’ satisfaction represents the most important and challenging aspect of our business. Whether or not your job responsibilities place you in direct consumer contact, you represent Angel Hands Behavioral Health by your appearance as well as by your actions. Properly groomed individuals help to create a favorable image to the public and fellow employees.


Good grooming and good taste should be the two factors considered in determining what is appropriate. Clothing and hairstyles are to be conservative. No employee should dress or adorn his/her person in a manner, which may be offensive or provide a poor example for the consumers. Appropriate dress guidelines will be discussed during employee orientation.


Employees who do not conform to these guidelines will be so advised by their supervisors and continued disregard will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.




You are expected to use proper care when using Angel Hands Behavioral Health property and equipment. No property may be removed from the premises without the proper authorization of management. If you lose, break, or damage any property, report it to your supervisor at once.




Operators of Agency Name vehicles are responsible for safe operation and cleanliness of the vehicle. Accidents involving an Angel Hands Behavioral Health vehicle must be reported to your supervisor immediately.


Employees are responsible for any moving and parking violations and fines, which may result when operating Angel Hands Behavioral Health vehicle.


Angel Hands Behavioral Health vehicles may only be used for job-related travel.


The use of seat belts is mandatory for operators and passengers of Angel Hands Behavioral Health vehicles.


Direct care employees and authorized Angel Hands Behavioral Health vehicle operators are required to maintain a valid driver’s license. Any changes must be promptly reported to the Supervisor’s office.




Good work habits and a neat place to work are essential for job safety and efficiency. You are expected to keep your place of work organized and materials in good order at all times. Report anything that needs repair or replacement to your Supervisor.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health is dedicated to providing a safe, healthy and productive work environment for all employees. There is a total ban on smoking at Angel Hands Behavioral Health workplaces. Employees found in violation of this policy are subject to discipline up to and including termination.


Smoke-free is defined as the elimination of use or possession of any lighted: cigar, cigarette, pipe, other smoking instrument, all tobacco and tobacco products (including smokeless tobacco), and/or any other weed or plant.


Smoke-free workplace includes, but will not be limited to: offices, work areas, reception areas, restroom facilities, lunchrooms, conference rooms, hallways, stairwells, and elevator lobbies.


Employees found in violation of this policy are subject to discipline up to and including termination.


Angel Hands Behavioral Health employees are expected to inform all visitors and contractors of the provisions of this policy and request their compliance.




Violence by an employee or anyone else against an employee, supervisor or member of management is not tolerated. The purpose of this policy is to minimize the potential risk of personal injuries to employees at work and to reduce the possibility damage to Angel Hands Behavioral Health property in the event someone for whatever reason may be unhappy with an Angel Hands Behavioral Health decision or action by another employee or member of management.






Safety can only be achieved through teamwork. Each employee, supervisor, and manager must practice safety awareness by thinking defensively, anticipating unsafe situations and reporting unsafe conditions immediately.


Please observe the following precautions:


  1. Notify your supervisor of any emergency situation. If you are injured or become sick at work no matter how slightly, you must inform your Supervisor immediately.


  1. The use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drug substances during working hours is not tolerated. The possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drug substances on Angel Hands Behavioral Health property is prohibited.


  1. Use, adjust, or repair machines and equipment only if you are trained and qualified.


  1. Get help when lifting or pushing heavy objects.


  1. Understand your job fully and follow instructions. If you are not sure of the safe procedure, don’t guess…ask your Supervisor.


  1. Know the locations, contents and the use of first aid and firefighting equipment.


  1. Wear personal protective equipment in accordance with the job you are performing.


A violation of a safety precaution is in itself an unsafe act. A violation may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health has a strong commitment to provide a safe work place for its employees and to operate in compliance with Federal and State Laws and Regulations regarding the possession and use of drugs and alcohol. Angel Hands Behavioral Health is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace, which will help assure a safer and more productive work environment for all employees. Accordingly, Angel Hands Behavioral Health has adopted a Policy on Maintaining a Drug-Free Workplace. Compliance with the corporate Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy is a condition of employment.


All employees are expected to report to work alert and in a physical condition which will enable them to perform their job duties. Any employee who reports to work impaired as the result of drug use will be required to leave company property and will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. This policy covers all illegal drugs, alcohol and legal drugs that impair an employee’s ability to perform his or her job.


Additionally, at no time should an employee engage with, visit, or transport any consumer while impaired or under the influence of any legal or illegal substance. At the same time, employees are prohibited from purchasing legal or illegal substances for consumers and from engaging is drug usage with consumers. In every case, consumer refers to any minor child committed to our care, his caregivers, parents, siblings, other family members, friends, therapists, psychiatrist, case managers, or any other person directly involved in the treatment or care of the minor consumer.


The manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, and use of illegal drugs, or non-prescribed prescription drugs on company property or while conducting company business off company property is absolutely prohibited. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge, and may, of course, subject the employee to criminal prosecution.


Consistent with this policy, Angel Hands Behavioral Health may initiate drug testing in instances where there is reason to be concerned that an employee has violated this policy. An employee who, in the judgment of his or her supervisor, appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while at work or whose job performance appears to be adversely affected by the possible abuse of drugs or alcohol may be required to undergo testing.


Employees who display signs of drug dependency or who admit to a drug dependency will be encouraged by their supervisors to seek treatment, and if the dependency begins to affect their work performance, they may be required to seek treatment as a condition of continued employment.







The use of Angel Hands Behavioral Health automation systems, including computers, fax machines, and all forms for internet/intranet access, is for company business and for authorized purposes only. Brief and occasional personal use of the electronic mail system or the Internet is acceptable so long as it is not excessive or inappropriate, occurs during personal time (lunch or other breaks), and does not result in expense or harm to Angel Hands Behavioral Health or otherwise violate this policy.


Use is defined as “excessive” If it interferes with normal job functions, responsiveness, or the ability to perform daily job activities. Electric communication should not be used to solicit or sell products or services that are unrelated to Angel Hands Behavioral Health’s business; distract, intimidate, or harass coworkers or third parties; or disrupt the workplace.


Use of Company computers, networks, and Internet access is a privilege granted by management and may be revoked at any time for inappropriate conduct carried out on such systems, including, but not limited to:


·       Sending chain letters or participating in any way in the creation or transmission of unsolicited commercial email (“spam”) that is unrelated to legitimate Company purposes;


·       Engaging in private or personal business activities, including excessive use of instant messaging and chat rooms (see below);


·       Accessing networks, servers, drives, folders, or files to which the employees has not been granted access or authorization from someone with the right to make such grant;


·       Making unauthorized copies of Company files or other Company data;


·       Destroying, deleting, erasing, or concealing Company files or other Company data, or otherwise making such files or data unavailable or inaccessible to Angel Hands Behavioral Health or to other authorized users of Company systems;


·       Misrepresenting oneself or Angel Hands Behavioral Health;


·       Violating the laws and regulations of the United States or any other nation or any state, province, or other local jurisdiction in any way;


·       Engaging in unlawful or malicious activities;


·       Deliberately propagating any virus, worm, Trojan horse, trap-door program code, or other code or file designed to disrupt, disable, impair, or otherwise harm either Angel Hands Behavioral Health’s network or systems or those of any other individual or entity;


·       Using abusive profane, threatening, racist, sexist, otherwise objectionable language in either public or private messages;


·       Sending receiving, or accessing pornographic materials;


·       Becoming involved in partisan politics;


·       Causing congestion, disruption, disablement, alteration, or impairment of Company networks or systems;


·       Maintaining, organizing, or participating in non-work-related Web logs (“blogs”), Web journals, “chat rooms”, or private/personal/instant messaging;


·       Failing to log off any secure, controlled-access computer or other form of electronic data system to which you are assigned if you leave such computer or system unattended;


·       Use recreational games; and/or


·       Defeating or attempting to defeat security restrictions on company systems and applications.


·       Using Company automation systems to access, create, view, transmit, or receive racist, sexist, threatening, or otherwise objectionable or illegal material, defined as any visual, textual, or auditory entity, file, or data, is strictly prohibited. Such material violates Angel Hands Behavioral Health anti-harassment policies and is subject to disciplinary action. Angel Hands Behavioral Health’s electronic mail system, internet access, and computer systems must not be used to harm others or to violate the laws and regulations of the United States or any other nation or any state, city, province, or other local jurisdiction in any way. Use of company resources for illegal activity can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal and criminal prosecution. Angel Health Behavioral Health will comply with reasonable requests from law enforcement and regulatory agencies for logs, diaries, archives, or files on individual Internet activities, e-mail use, and/or computer use.


·       Unless specifically granted in this policy, any non-business use of Angel Hands Behavioral Health’s automation system is expressly forbidden.


·       If you violate these policies, you could be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health owns the rights to all data and files in any computer, network, or other information system used in Angel Hands Behavioral Health and to all data and files sent or received using any company system or using Angel Hands Behavioral Health’s access to any computer network, to the extent that such rights are not superseded by applicable laws relating to intellectual property. Angel Hands Behavioral Health reserves all rights to monitor electronic mail messages (including personal/private/instant messaging systems) and their content, as well as any and all use by employees of the internet and of company equipment used to create, view, or access e-mail and internet content. Employees must be aware that the electronic mail messages sent and received using Company equipment or Company-provided internet access, including web-based messaging systems used with such systems or access, are not private and are subject to viewing, downloading, inspection, release, and archiving by Company officials at all times. Angel Hands Behavioral Health has the right to inspect any and all files stored in private areas of the network or on individual computers or storage media in order to assure compliance with Company policies and state and federal laws. No employee may access another employee’s computer, computer files, or electronic mail messages without prior authorization from either the employee or an appropriate Company official.


Angel Hands Behavioral Health uses software in its electronic information systems that allow monitoring by authorized personnel and that creates and stores copies of any messages files, or other information that is entered into, received by, sent, or viewed on Company electronic information systems is electronically stored and subject to inspection, monitoring, evaluation, and Company use at any time. Further, employees who use Company systems and Internet access to send or receive files or other data that would otherwise be subject to any kind or confidentiality or disclosure privilege thereby waive whatever right they may have to assert such confidentiality or privilege from disclosure. Employees who wish to maintain their right to confidentiality or a disclosure privilege must send or receive such information using some means other than Company systems or Angel Hands Behavioral Health-provided Internet access.


Angel Hands Behavioral Health has licensed the use of certain commercial software application programs for business purposes. Third parties retail the ownership and distribution rights to such software. No employee may create, use, or distribute copies of such software that are not in compliance with the license agreements for the software. Violation of this policy can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


Confidentiality of Electronic Mail


As noted above, electronic mail is subject at all times to monitoring, and the release of specific information is subject to applicable state and federal laws and Company rules, policies, and procedures on confidentiality. Existing rules, policies, and procedures governing the sharing of confidential information also apply to the sharing of information via commercial software. Since there is the possibility that any message could be shared with or without your permission or knowledge, the best rule to follow in the use of electronic mail for non-work-related information is to decide if you would post the information on the office bulletin board with your signature.


It is a violation of Company policy for any employee, including system administrators and supervisors, to access electronic mail and computer systems files to satisfy curiosity about the affairs of others, unless such access is directly related to that employee’s job duties. Employees found to have engaged in such activities will be subject to disciplinary action.


Electronic Mail Tampering


Electronic mail messages received should not be altered without the sender’s permission; nor should electronic mail be altered and forwarded to another user and/or unauthorized attachments be placed on another’s electronic mail message.


Policy Statement for Internet/Intranet Browser(s)


The internet is to be used to further Angel Hands Behavioral Health’s mission, to provide effective service of the highest quality to Angel Hands Behavioral Health’s customers and staff, and to support other direct job-related purposed. Supervisors should work with employees to determine the appropriateness of using the Internet for professional activities and career development. The various modes of internet/intranet access are Company resources and are provided as business tools to employees who may use them for research, professional development, and work-related communications. Limited personal use of Internet resources is a special exception to the general prohibition against the personal use of company equipment and software.


Employees are individually liable for any and all damages incurred as a result of violated comply security policy, copyright, and licensing agreements.


Angel Hands Behavioral Health policies and procedures apply to employees’ conduct on the internet, especially, but not exclusively, relating to: intellectual property, confidentiality, company information dissemination, standards of conduct, misuse of company resources, anti-harassment, and information and data security.


Personal Electronic Equipment


Angel Hands Behavioral Health prohibits the use or possession in the workplace (mainly, out in the field) of any type of camera phone, cell phone camera, digital camera, video camera, or other form of image- or voice-recording device with the express permission of Angel Hands Behavioral Health and of each person whose image and/or voice is/are recorded. Employees with such devices should leave them at home unless expressly permitted by Angel Hands Behavioral Health to do otherwise. This provision does not apply to designated Company personnel who must use such devices in connection with their positions of employment.


Employees should not bring personal computers or data storage devices (such as floppy disk, CDs/DVDs, external hard drives, flash drives, iPods, or other data storage media) to workplace or connect them to Company electronic systems unless expressly permitted to do so by Angel Hands Behavioral Health. Any employee bringing a personal computing device, data storage device, or image-recording device onto Company premises thereby give permission to Angel Hands Behavioral Health to inspect the personal computer, data storage device, or image-recording device at any time with personnel of Angel Hands Behavioral Health’s choosing and to analyze any files, other data, or data storage devices or medial that may be within or connectable to the personal computer or image-recording device in question. Employees who do not wish such inspections to be done on their personal computers, data storage devices, or imaging devices should not bring such items to work at all.


Violation of this policy, or failure to permit an inspection of any device covered by this policy, shall result in disciplinary action, up to and possibly including immediate termination of employment, depending upon the severity and repeat nature of the offense. In addition, the employee may face both civil and criminal liability from Agency Name from law enforcement officials, or from individuals whose rights are harmed by the violation.




At Angel Hands Behavioral Health we understand that social media can be a fun and rewarding way to share your life and opinions with family, friends and co-workers around the world. However, use of social media also presents certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities. To assist you in making responsible decisions about your use of social media, we have established these guidelines for appropriate use of social media.


This policy applies to all associates who work for Angel Hands Behavioral Health or one of its subsidiary companies in the United States Agency Name Managers and supervisors should use the supplemental Social Media Management Guidelines for additional guidance in administering the policy.




In the rapidly expanding world of electronic communication, social media can mean many things. Social media includes all means of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet, including to your own or someone else’s web log or blog, journal or diary, personal web site, social networking or affinity web site, web bulletin board or a chat room, whether or not associated or affiliated with Angel Hands Behavioral Health, as well as any other form of electronic communication. The same principles and guidelines found in Angel Hands Behavioral Health policies and three basic beliefs apply to your activities online. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for what you post online. Before creating online content, consider some of the risks and rewards that are involved. Keep in mind that any of your conduct that adversely affects your job performance, the performance of fellow associates or otherwise adversely affects members, customers, suppliers, people who work on behalf of Angel Hands Behavioral Health or Angel Hands Behavioral Health legitimate business interests may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.




Although Angel Hands Behavioral Health does use social medial platforms to connect with the community, we ask that all staff members reframe from posting anything consumer related on their personal social media pages. It is our policy that any and all postings must go directly through the Angel Hands Behavioral Health approved social media pages and any content you would like to share please send it directly to the Clinical Program Manager for approval and publishing.




Refrain from using social media while on work time or on equipment we provide, unless it is work-related as authorized by your manager or consistent with Angel Hands Behavioral Health equipment Policy. Do not Angel Hands Behavioral Health email addresses to register on social networks, blogs or other online tools utilized for personal use.




Seeing that Angel Hands Behavioral Health does interact with various community entities and businesses, we ask that any distribution of outside materials (including but not limited to flyers, brochures, etc.) be provided to the Director of Operations for approval prior to distribution.




Angel Hands Behavioral Health prohibits taking negative action against any associate for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or for cooperating in an investigation. Any associate who retaliates against another associate for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or for cooperating in an investigation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.



Associates should not speak to the media on Angel Hands Behavioral Health behalf without contacting the Executive Director. All media inquiries should be directed to them.




If you have questions or need further guidance, please contact your HR representative.